Monday, September 20, 2010

Leaky Diapers

So I just found out on Saturday that Katie's FuzziBunz leak with only one insert, too. I just thought that Isla peed a lot! ;-)

I have been using two inserts for months, but I'm switching to one because I want Isla to be able to move around easier. She is getting to the point of rolling over, grabbing her toes, etc... So I will just use one insert and watch her a bit more closely.

Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE FB. It's just helpful to hear that someone else is having a similar problem so I know I'm doing it right!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ho -- from Cindy at
    I know this isn't the conventional way for contacting you....but is there anyway you can call me at 763-797-7205??
