Thursday, September 30, 2010

And the "Mother of the Year" award goes to...


Sarcastically, of course...

So Monday night was really good for Isla and Me. We got home, napped, played, ate some bananas and took a bath.

After the bath I began changing her into her pj's for beddy bye time. Rich happened to call me just as I was changing her... I spoke to him and changed her at the same time. Got her all dressed (or so I thought) and put her to bed.

Later in the eve she started to fuss a bit. Rich checked on her and noticed she was soaking wet.....

"Jess! You forgot to put a diaper on Isla!"

And this is how I win "Mother of the Year."

By the way - Isla knows her name! Also, the other day, she purposely was grabbing the toy and pushing it off the bumbo tray! Continuously. Oh she's all growed up! ;-)

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