Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's about time! Here's the intro!

Well, All... I'm finally doing it - I've created a blog!

Let's play a little catch-up, shall we?

My name is Jess.
 I am a small town gal from Wisconsin whose passions are event managing, outdoor adventures, and babies (specifically my baby, Isla Betty - aka Isla Bee).  I moved to Minnesota in 2007 to be with my (now) husband, Rich. We live in Chanhassen (aka ChanHappenin, the home of Dave Ryan), and (besides the recent bank robberies) have loved every moment! We have two Rat Terrier doggies, Scooter and Sparky... and boy are they a hoot!

I have quite the extensive background - from working administrative, day cares, events, hospitality, and more - you name it, I've done it (Sidebar: Ok, if you say ditch digger or vegetable canner, you'll have got me on those.)

I enjoy Starbucks coffee, a lot. I usually will spend half of my life savings on coffee in the morning before work - but have just recently gotten my espresso maker up and running at home! Now I will be saving probably close to $40+ bucks a month (hope my husband doesn't read my blog!) just by making my own Skinny Iced Caramel Machiatto (with whip) at home! ;-) Don't worry, Starbucks... The espresso and syrups still come from you!

In the last year or so I have begun Going Green. We have our close family and friends to thank for helping us onto the wagon! We're still a little rusty, but we're getting better! All of our household cleaning products are now green, especially laundry detergent.

A big part of our life that is "Green" is my love for CLOTH DIAPERING! It's easier and not as dirty as you may think! Once you start and get into your groove, you will soon fall in love! I use FuzziBunz One Size and LOOOOVE them!

I have to thank all of my fellow Cloth Diaper Supporters from and especially Miss Tara for all of her fun blog posts and her passion for Cloth Diapers!

Ok, so that's a little about me! More about my semi-interesting life to come!


1 comment:

  1. FORTY PLUS BUCKS A MONTH ON COFFEE!... That's actually not as bad as I thought ;)
