Friday, September 3, 2010

A chance of whooping cough...? Should I bring Isla in?

So Isla may have "indirectly" come in contact with someone with whopping cough. She isn't showing any signs or symptoms as of yet, but should I even wait for her to show the signs? Or should I get to her to the doc quick?

We were at a baby shower and there was a baby there that showed some signs of it, but it wasn't guaranteed that she had it. We kept them apart, but some of the ladies were holding both babies. Then early this week it was confirmed. Should I be concerned?

I am a little worried, but I'm not typically a big worry wart. Any advice would be great!

Until next time...


1 comment:

  1. Jess, I believe you have to come in contact with the saliva of the infected person. This would occur usually by either being coughed or sneezed upon. However, I contracted it by sharing a powerade with an infected and contagious person. The early symptoms are similar to a cold: fever, sore throat, and a mild cough, and usually don't show up for a week or two after exposure. It's a tough call. I guess it just depends on how close Isla was to the other baby. Grandpa Dick
