Monday, April 30, 2012

Potty Training Progress

Ever since we began the potty training process on 4.23 we have had so much success! We never pushed, but always "reminded" her through the day. We at first were using diapers... realized she was too comfortable in them and switched to pull-ups (Friday 4.27). Immediately when she peed in her pull-up we changed her, so she would get used to always being dry.

Saturday she went on the potty all on her own after a bath and from then on we kept the pull-ups off of her. Now, as long as we keep the pull-ups off of her, she goes every time in the potty! Both #1 and #2! ;-)

Today I'm testing out no pull-up at nap time. See if she holds it. I've got "soaker pads" below her, just in case.

I'm such a proud mommy! Needless to say, I've been tearing up - a lot!

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